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Chona Hanson, P.T.

About Chona Hanson, P.T.

Much of my career has been spent working in pediatric therapy. This is my eighth year providing care in multiple school districts helping kids to maximize their functional and learning abilities. I have also specialized in wound care, lymphedema management and incontinence. Listening is a big thing for me. I think letting your patients know that they are important and heard makes a big difference. This is the foundation of any therapeutic relationship. Patients need to know that they are the most important part of their recovery. They need to be an active participant to maximize their rehabilitation. I also believe that humor and laughter help with healing. When my husband and I had our first child, we lived in Florida. My husband wanted to return to the Midwest to be closer to family. We chose Dresser, Wisconsin and fell in love with the area. It is a small town with friendly people and a great environment to raise kids.

Medical Interests Areas of Interest: I am interested in all areas to help patients reach their health and life goals. I’ve always been drawn to women’s health issues and pediatrics. I love to make a difference in a child’s life.